Joan BriCkley


Flip Flop

My name is Flip-Flop and I am a rabbit who lives in a cosy burrow underneath the ground.

I eat grass, leafy weeds such as dandelions and clovers. I also love to munch away at lots of old different plants, wild flowers and crops that the local farmer grows.

I have a white tail, long ears whiskers and large brown eyes so I can see and hear very well.

Joan has been writing about some of my adventures with my friends so they are going to tell you about themselves.

Higgie Hedgehog

I am Higgie Hedgehog and I am Flip-Flop’s best friend. I love to eat juicy worms, snails and slugs and drink water. I love to go out and take long walks at night. I can roll myself into a prickly ball to stop anyone that I don’t like or who frightens me.

Freddy Frog

My name is Freddy Frog. I love to live by ponds. Just like Gregory Grasshopper, I’m really good at hopping and jumping up and down. Just watch me!

Peggis the Pig

Peggis the Pig is my name and I live on a farm. I love it when Pops, the farmer, feeds me potato peelings. They are my favourite food.

When I am happy, I enjoy rolling around in the mud!

Gregory Grasshopper

I am Gregory Grasshopper and I have very long back legs. I have wings and can fly at eight miles an hour!

I am good at jumping and leaping into the air. Take a look at me with my friends