Joan BriCkley



Joan Brickley hails from Knotty Ash, the land of Ken Dodd’s ‘Diddy People’ and the ‘Jam Butty Mines!’

Having spent thirty years teaching in Primary schools, she realised how important it was for children to develop a love of reading and listening to stories. Her stories are aimed at children aged between five and seven years and her hope is that they will cultivate a love and empathy in them towards nature.

Joan has always loved painting and so decided to illustrate her own books.

Apart from her stories ‘Corrie the Little Cloud’ and ‘Danny the Dandelion,’ currently, she is writing a series of ‘Flip-Flop’ Books about the adventures of a rabbit and his friends. Following on from ‘Flip- Flop’s Exciting Day’ and ‘Flip-Flop’s Talent Show’, the latest one, ‘Flip-Flop Goes to New York’ is awaiting publication and will be available soon.


  1. Flip Flop and the Sore Paw
  2. Flip Flop Goes To New York
  3. Flip Flop Goes to the Dentist
  4. Flip Flop and The Wedding
  5. Flip Flop’s Talent Show (available on Lulu)
  6. Flip Flop’s Exciting Day (available on Amazon)